Inventory Management
Inventory Management
You sell and we manage your inventory.
Our warehouse is in Gothenburg, centrally located in the Nordic region. For those of you who have high demands on security, control and follow-up of your MPS contracts, Apace is the perfect alternative. Together with you, we create a customized system for warehouse management and distribution. Flexibility is required to adapt MPS management to your needs.
With a complete inventory management system, we handle everything from goods in stock to customer fulfilment, inventory optimization, inventory management, orders, return management, follow-up, Track & Trace, POD, process description, quality assurance, electronic file management.
We manage the ordering of items to our warehouse according to established guidelines with you or you handle all orders for your own consignment stock with us. Alternatively, we can own the goods in stock and finance the stock according to established directives with you. Inventory takes place according to established guidelines together with you.
Receipt of stock items with control on delivery quality and quantity. After each received delivery of stock items, information is sent to you with which order and which items were received and if there was any deviation from the delivery note.
With increased delivery reliability, adjustment can be made when a printer alerts for toner shortage. Customers can print more before sending a new toner. This increases the profitability of the MPS agreements as a smaller number of toner cartridges are consumed, a lower number needs to be stocked and the distribution cost is reduced.
With our business and inventory management system, you have full control and transparency.
The following data are available:
Stock balance and availability
Order points and order quantity
Purchase orders placed
Turnover rate of goods in stock
Information that can be linked to product areas, customer segments, machine models or geographical area
Current orders, backordered orders, shipped orders
To carry out our work, we need ongoing information from you regarding which products and articles are included in the MPS agreements:
Supplier's name, item number, item description, base unit, EAN number, EU customs statistics number, country of origin, length x width x height, weight, purchase price, sales price- Item description
Which items numbers fits which product, equivalent products, update of item database when a product is replaced with a new product
Which items which are included in the MPS agreement and which items are about to be phased out of MIF (Machines in Field), but which are still to be stored for a certain period of time after the decision on phasing out has been made
Revision of consignment stock or our owned stock shall take place at agreed intervals
We are your alternative!